Got this as an email and wanted to share it.
Wednesday, January 28, 7:00 PM
Provo City Library at Academy Square – Room 309
What is happening in your city? Do your city officials understand the proper role of government? Do they consistently violate constitutional principles and continue to compromise your rights by promoting sustainability (Agenda 21) and by regulating, zoning, and taxing away your freedom? Does your city council pay more attention to staff and planners than they do to the citizens who foot the bill for their grandiose ideas? This seems to be the case in the majority of cities in Utah County, but
It doesn’t have to be that way. Highland has turned things around and Pleasant Grove is beginning to move in the right direction. They are successful because they are working at the local level to restore constitutional principles from the bottom up.
What is the problem? It seems most of our city governments are getting their information by relying only on city department heads and government officials (many of whom provide plans, standards, and goals in a top-down fashion). But these people don’t apply the proper role of government or tell the disadvantages of their planning schemes. Instead, they provide the projections, estimates, and examples that support their proposals. So, until the city elected officials are all constitutional conservatives, we need to become the group that provides them with the other side of the story.
We will show you how to form a group of informed constitutional conservatives in your city and how to divide up the tasks so that each can do a small bit to restore your city. You will learn what is being done to push back, step by step by tackling City Council Meetings and City Planning Commission Meetings and by monitoring county and other meetings. Once citizens know what is going on, they can tell the other side of the story to the city councils before they vote.
We will
• help you form a constitutional city group and divide up the workload
• describe the various levels of government, how they influence each other, what meetings they have
• teach you what to attend, what to look for, what to stand up against and what to let go for now (we only pick the big stuff or they will not listen)
• explain how to talk to or write the city council
• show how to get all this information to the group so all are updated continually.