Writing like your brain is wired:


Last year I attend LTUE and took some great notes on a number of great panels. Here are my notes on marketing yourself. Enjoy.

– Every story needs a beginning, middle and end.
– Offer a variety of choices. Variation in your work.
– Use a variety of words that are natural for you.
– Style is different for different writers as influenced by their life experience.
– The more senses you use in the scene. The more memorable. The scene. Create a more visual sing.
– Four ways to access your consciousness.
– A: Those in thought. Read your project. Just before you go to sleep. Let your brain work on it during the night and allow yourself relax five minutes snooze button, so your brain can finish cooking up the idea to document. Write down immediately what you come up with.
– B: recreational thought, take a walk and during the walk, think about. You must be solo and avoid distractions and not listen to music.
– C: rewrite.
– D: Segmented pre-writing: five minute writing one minute break and go through the cycle.

If you would like to add a suggestion, or have a web site on this topic to share, please feel free to do so in the comment section of this blog. Thanks

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