Today’s the theme is on how our mistakes can help us in our self-improvement. I hope today’s topic can be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals, family counselors and family home evenings.
As an object lesson collect a variety of objects that are made of wood, such as a book shelf, a wooden bowl, figurines, and various other objects that are made of different types of wood. Present them in the center of the room with the class or family surrounding the objects.
Have each family member notice the unique attributes of each piece of wood. If there is a knot point it out. If there is an unusual pattern in the grain of the wood point it out. Now talk about the process of sanding rough wood down to give it a glossy surface. The combination of unusual patterns and various knots provide unusual designs in wood.
Those unique traits combined with a nice gloss finish can make the wood object look very attractive.
Our Savior’s action of the atonement could be compared to the buffeting and standing of rough pieces of wood. The sanding can take away the rough edges of sin. Sin may be represented by the knots in the wood from our imperfection or mistakes made in the past. But the mistake in conjunction with the savings atonement can make each of us more sympathetic to the knots in other people’s lives.
We can learn from past mistakes.
Knots add character to a piece of wood and combined with the saving atonement can help us as individuals to be more sympathetic to what the challenges others may face. Often other people’s knots are similar to our own. Just as we can appreciate the beauty of wood that has been sanded down, so we can appreciate others’ past imperfections as they achieve their own success of improvement. For we have made the same effort.
What is the same as saying church is for the sinners.
A wavy pattern in the wood grain could be compared to our efforts to be like the Savior. Our effort in becoming better person is not a straight line. It’s jagged. The kind of people that we become by self-improvement / repentance combined the atonement of Jesus Christ can present in the end of very beautiful finish product.
We are each sons and daughters of our heavenly father. We may not always realize how valuable we are. We were of such worth to our heavenly father that his son Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for us.
Have the class and family talk about how our past mistakes can help someone with their sympathy of other people’s challenges. There might be mistakes we’ve done in the past that has made us wiser in other areas not related to that particular problem. For example, if we had a mistake of having a bad habit, and we’ve overcome that bad habit, what have we learned about ourselves? When we overcome bad habit or fix a mistake we become better people. If we successful one area we may be more inclined successful in other areas.
If you have something to contribute to this theme, please do so in the comment section this blog. Thank you.