Tonight I attended a lecture presented by Dr. Stockwell about the problem with vaccinations. I found it to be very informative. I hope these notes can be of help or of interest to others who may be interested in this topic
Infant antibodies:
A baby inherits antibodies from his mother through the placenta barrier. Those antibiotics are depleted after the first month. A baby does not start to grow its own antibodies until the age of 12-20
There are two types of innate immunity
A: Cell Medicated: is the first step against infection. These are also known as T cells that are created in the body to help against infections. They determine what needs to be fought to keep the body healthy. This is an important process that prepares the body to defend itself against future infections of similar type. It creates natural barriers
B: Humoral B cells: is the second step against infection. These create antibodies that can stop infections disease. Vaccines trigger Humanual without creating the Cell Medicated immunities which is necessary to protect the body against future infections of the same type.
Vaccines have Mercury, aluminum or falamahide. These are said to be necessary additives called, preservatives, but actually used to force the body to react to an imaginary infection. (Which cell medicated would normally do) It does not prepare the body to create defenses of future similar infections. There is no long-term research on the effectiveness of vaccines. 20 to 40% of kids have chronic sickness within the last 40 years vaccines have become popular. Vaccines are created to make antibodies without the child getting sick.
Dr. Roja Lee, (sp) 1951. Shared warnings about vaccines and the federal government destroyed his paperwork and threatened him with imprisonment. Check out the website: (hope I spelled that right)
Smallpox comes from bedbugs that have been affected with smallpox. That’s why poor people get infected with smallpox, from such items as blankets
There is this herd mentality. People that like vaccines want everyone have vaccines. They don’t want kids that have been not been vaccinated to be around their children. But if vaccines work and why should those kids be in threat?
Single spinal ligament: is activated by corapractors. is a key element to health.
Lawrence Livermore: was commissioned by the government to weaponries Ebonic Plague. Fleas have a body temperature of 10° below humans and when fleas bite humans. The disease is transferred.
The prescription prednisone kills antibiotics and so its use can be problematic.
The Parra thyroid monitors, calcium. Calcium is the key ingredient to help combat infections. It is recommended that before you go to the hospital to take as much natural calcium as you can. There are some sources of calcium in its natural state
- calcium lactate (6 per day)
- Cataplexy F (3 per day)
- Cataplex C (6 per day)
- The classic 636
Look for the article: CDC Epidemiologist Whistleblower Confirms New Review Showing Vaccine Autism Link: new review showing vaccine autism link;
If people give you a hard time about not taking vaccines ask for documentation of long term research that shows it has been a positive effect. One person during the conference, said that such studies will not be performed because it could mean a loss of money for drug. If you had to take vaccines because of work for other pressures to do the following: a. Taking a lot of calcium in its natural state. b. Have each vaccine done one shot at a time with time between them and not all at once.
a place to get whole milk, maybe unpasteurized, not certain is at 800 N state near Real Foods.
Any mistakes in my notes are likely due to my note taking.