While I attended Life the Universe and Everything this year I took some great notes on a panel about writing short fiction.
- Short fiction is anything under 40 K
- short stories are usually 7500 or lower count an estimated two magazines and anthologies.
- Flash fiction is often under 1K of words.
- In short fiction, you can be more experimental in your writing and techniques.
- Many magazines can be viewed for free online.
- You can be creative in plot structure through short fiction.
- Daily science fiction is where they will send you a story to your email.
- Circular in the colon is when the character ends up in the same spot is where they started.
- Short fiction is like a window into a world
- Short fiction readers don’t have as much time to but plot.
- With short fiction, you have little danger of getting stuck on a project.
- It’s easy to finish a short story. It doesn’t feel so intimidating.
- Short story should highlight just one main idea. One example is one short story was a letter from insurance policy, saying they would not cover the damages of the spaceship. They got caught up in an asteroid belt.
- X marks the spot: is an example of another successful short story
- skip to the important parts of the story through seeing breaks.
- One good beginning to a short story is of a person nudging a courts. We don’t need to lead up to how they found the courts just have them by the courts. Then, for the sake of precise writing. If they go up wanting to the other instead describe them traveling, just transfer them to the new location/scene.
- All words in the story should serve multiple purposes. You need enough details to make the story rich.
- The way to tell if you have a short or novel idea is by how complicated the plot is already have one or multiple characters. Another way is how much time you want to spend on story
- the short stories. No one cares about branding. It can be in its genre.
- Can write in different genres is not limited.
- Submitting short fiction is a way to practice writing. It can also be a way to practice Projects.
- Seek out Opportunities to Read Slush Pile Fiction. It helps you understand what works and doesn’t work in short fiction.
- org is a good place to review and have your fiction review.
- Figure out what works for you. One author was told to cut cut cut on the fiction and then when she submitted to editors, the editors felt that her stories had rushed ending. Watch out for white room problems. A room used to have details in these be populated.
- If the hook of the story takes over half of the story. It’s still unbalanced.
- The usefulness of writing groups is that different members have different strong points in critiquing.
- Resist the temptation to reject your own fiction video feel it’s good enough. Let the editors do their own job.
- Authors often bad and analyzing the quality of the own work.
- Editors of short fiction will pick up things that they love.
- Write the things you love and then find the editor who love the same things you do.
- Short fiction gives you a chance to practice writing in other genres.
- Submission grinder, is a site to document sobs when alternative is to document your submission work is Excel
- sffla will be the counting six cents a word as professional criteria for publishing.
- Daily science fiction pays $.10 a word.
- Tor pays $.25 a word but has a long response time.
- Lightspeed but wanted to day response time
- Melva: if you have a member, your writing group that is good on characterization and they have a suggestion on your characterization, and that is a person to listen to
- Melva: critique circle is another good place to critique fiction and get your fiction review.
- Melva: You can use a story to explore parts of your world that you create
- Practice flash fiction (which are stories under 1000 words)
Have a suggestion to add to the list? Please do so in the comment section of this blog.