I’m doing a salesman ship presentation at Toastmasters and since I am a fan of the crockpot I thought I would do on that as a product. So I did some research on advice about crockpots. So, why not share in the Tasks, Errands, and Projects oh My blog. Also eventually I can also add this topic to my Book of Lists.
Crockpots with a removable liner are easier to clean
- Line crockpot with liner or spray with cooking spray to help in clean up.
- Brown meats before crock potting them
- Food should reach 140 digress as fast as possible so have the first hour on high and after that you can turn it low
- Meat does a good job flavoring the whole dish so you don’t have to use as much.
- Low setting is about 300 degrees
- Liquids don’t thicken, add seasoned corn flour and make a pate with cold water and add to simmering liquid.
- Food should be defrosted before putting into a crockpot
- Most pasta, rice and fresh herbs need to be added toward the end.
- One hour on high = 2 hours on low
- Bring liquids to simmer before putting into crockpot will give pot a jump start in coking
- Remove food from cooking bag before putting meal into freezer, thick liner sows the cooking down process
- Avoid large chunks of meat at it may not cook thorally
- Fill crockpot about 1/2 or 2/3s full or won’t cook as quickly and will cook faster
- Programmed cooker will cook your meal by a predetermined time and switches to a setting to keep meal at the proper heat to be safe.
- Food at the bottom will cook aster and since submerged in liquid will be most moist.
- Always layer ingredients in the order given in the recipe.
- Remove skin from chicken
- Trim excess fat
- You can thicken juice I pot by taking off the lids and cooking on high for the last half hour of cooking
- Most meats take 8 hrs. When cooking on low.
- Use cheaper cuts of meat as you can save money but they work better in a slow cooker.
- Slow cookers don’t brown food, so sear meats or poultry in a skillet for extra flavor and added eye-appeal,
- Moist long cooking times result in tender meats.
- Veggies generally cook slower than meats. Place them under the meat
- Each time you take off the lid it adds 20 min cooking time for cooking
- Dairy and seafood tend to break down when cooked for an extended time.
- Spin the cover can remove the condensation falls of
- Pasta cooks better by itself.
- Cayenne pepper and tabasco sauce tend to taste bitter if cooked for long periods.
- Always cook raw meat and poultry dishes on HIGH setting for the first hour to speed up the time
- Add vegetables like tomatoes, mushrooms and zucchini in the last 45 min cooking time
- Cut vegetable into uniform sizes
- Liquids do not lesson in the crockpot you may need to reduce liquid by 1/3or 12
- For high-altitude cooking, add an additional 30 minutes for each hour
- Add spices in the last hour of cooking
- Don’t leave left overs in pot, could dry them out.
Advantages to crock-pots:
- Easy to use
- Easy to clean up, especially with a liner
- Does not heat up the kitchen in summer
- Great for new cooks
- Healthier, low-fat method of cooking
- Sensory and flavor rewards that make home, ‘home’.
Have something to add to the list, please do so in the comment section of this blog.