Tax benefits of Liens:


These are some notes I took at financial seminar last fall. Hope they can be of use.

–          County receives their revenue to finance basic operations.

–          Property owners receive temporary relief from debt.

–          Investors receive a high rate of return.

–          Texas office 25% redemption clause. Homeowner can buy back when they pay their taxes

–          if the house is unoccupied the home owner has six months to pay. After six months. The lien owner can have the home when they pay the fees and taxes.

–           If home is occupied. They get two years to pay back their taxes.

–          An appraiser office will tell the HX code on the property.

–          Invest what you want to travel so that you can use the trip as a business expense. When you want to the property.

–          Before you buy. Make sure to do due diligence. Want to know what taxes are due.

–          For requirements for tax lien/deeds:

–          be ready to devote 2 to 3 hours a week in the beginning.

–          Want your experience will take 45 Mr. Tax lien.

–          You want to acquire knowledge on online cells.

–          The biggest challenge is getting access to the tax lien information. You need resources from coast-to-coast.

–          You need a strategy. If you are passive liens and deeds may not be the best option.

–          Osman designs: member has a residual care facility as a source of income

–          Syndication: people can invest their money pool their resources to invest their money.

–          United States printed and invested $85 billion to invest in the economy.

–          Nice day to $7 trillion in debt.

–          Nine countries are working together to bypass United States dollar.

–          You will need more than a Mormon pantry for survival.

–          When people have money they have options.

–          Money magnifies the kind of person you are.

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