Beat Outline suggestions:


I attended a workshop last year about script writing and took some notes. I hope they can be of use.

Act 1 pg 1-75;

Act 2 pg 75-165; (Act 2 takes 50% of novel.)

Act 3 pg 255-330 with closing image

Act One must have: (learn what your story is about) 25% of novel

Opening image

Theme started theme may not be presented by characters but people that protagonist interacts with. It will give the rest of the book purpose.

Setup: 1st 30 pgs. Need to have all the A story characters introduced. Fix about 6 problems.

Catalyst: legally blond (boyfriend breaks up with her). At the end of the movie we see what good things have happened because of a catalyst.

Debate: Always comes after catalyst. Might be 30 pgs. In a novel, have main character debate if going on quest? Character battles against him/herself. Explore character’s weaknesses. Debate: Legally blond = I’m going to Harvard law?

Break into 2. Blond goes to Harvard.

Act Two:

B story (blond goes to hair stylist)

Fun and games. This is where you deliver the premise of the book. Iron man in the suit. Spider man in the suit, all drive toward the mid-point

Midpoint: up the stakes. Usually the trailer will be from the fun and games section of the movie. Has false victory/false defeat. Don’t drop a fun and games in mid-point.  Bad guys close in. (internal dissent, doubt <fighting between the characters>.

All is lost:  false defeat. It feels permanent, feels real. For real it’s temporary. This might include a death. Permanent triangle e and e on sides and a in middle.

Dark Night of the Soul: Movie: Elf: dad yells at him to leave. Lowest point of the movie or book.

Act three: finals: hero figures out what to do.

Closing image

Five pint finality

-Gathering the team: Independence Day: Armies of the world unite.

-Executing the plan: go up to mother ship

-High tower surprise: and hero plan fails

-Dig deep down (moment of divinity)

-Execute the new plan.

Do you have something to add, please share your ideas to the list in the comment section of this blog.


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