Tilting the boat:


Sometimes our biggest problems are created by our responses to decisions. I hope the following lesson can be of use to youth ministries, family devotional, family counselors and home evening groups. Today’s topic is how we respond to temptation. Tilting the boat excessively to one side and little a little water in can be  compared to temptation. Just one short tilt and we get a little water in, but if we keep tilting the boat more water comes in until our boat may be comprised with too much water and we could sink. Or if there is a hole in our boat, neglect to a personal vulnerability we have and we don’t tend that weakness. The leak could grow until we are once more compromised.

Object lesson: tub of water, a bowl, pebbles, and a chop stick.

Get a glass or plastic bowl and put it in a tub of water. Press the side of the bowl with a chop stick to one side and a little water comes in. The bowl still floats. Let more water in again and again until the bowl finally sinks because it can’t hold all the water. This can be compared to how we respond to a small temptations. One little nibble to something we are weak at and it doesn’t have any known affect. But as we dip/submit to more and more our temptation, they may become a habit or an addition and we may get sunk.

Maybe discuss that a bowl that is empty will rest high in the water. But then gradually add small pebbles into the bowl and the bowl gets heavier and heavier until it is equal or below the water line. What was once a small temptation becomes a constant challenge.

Maybe discuss with the family or class possible ‘small’ temptation that may become large. Find a reference to high profile crime. Maybe brainstorm how the person accused of a crime may have succumbed to a first temptation. Discuss various temptat6ion and techniques on how to avoid temptation. Also discuss how prayer and living a life close to God can aide in fighting temptation and addiction. We also have to change our actions. Maybe also discuss how who we choose to associate with or our small actions can contribute or defend against temptation.

If you have any ideas to contribute to this idea, please feel free to share in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.

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