Here are my notes of the speech from Reince Priebus when he spoke at the rally of the Republican Utah conference. I tried to be as accurate as I could and hope I haven’t misrepresented the speaker in any way.
– Here are my notes of the speech from Reince Priebus when he spoke at the rally of the Republican Utah conference. I tried to be as accurate as I could and hope I haven’t misrepresented the speaker in any way.
– Here we mark the place of freedom.
– We need leaders who honor their word.
– We need leaders who govern as they campaign.
– During the last Presidential election, the Republican Party was about $35 million in debt. We had 80 employees for the whole nation.
– The Democrat party had 800 employees just in Florida. We are now no longer in debt.
– The left will work four years in a state building a support system for an election, while the Republicans will devote energies only during the last year prior to the election.
– Our party needs to get obsessed about mechanics.
– The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
– If we are not going to be big and bold, we should not be here.
In addition here are a couple of comments by Utah attorney general, Sean Reyes:
– I will continue to fight for the will of Utah State. I swear I’ll obey on the laws of Utah.