I heard a wonderful thought last week at church that was thought provoking for me. Someone made the statement that if we have lessened our relationship to God. It is not God moved. I thought of a very thought-provoking comment. And that is a good topic for an object lesson. I hope the following lesson can be of use to youth ministries, family counselors, and family home evenings and devotionals.
Get two magnets and place them on a sheet of glass. Prior to the object lesson notice, which side a magnet will repel the other magnet and which side will attract the other magnet. Now for the Object Lesson place both magnets close to each other and begin to push the opposites toward each other so that the one magnet is pushed away. Then as the second half of the object lesson have the two magnets face each other so that they are attracted.
The theme of this object lesson is that our relationship to God is dependent upon our efforts. God wishes us to be close to him and follow his commandments, but our apathy or our lack of desire to move away from God. We may be motivated to not the follow in God’s footsteps, or to not seek his influence. If there is a separation between us and God, It is not God who moved.
Do you have additional ideas on how to teach this concept? Please feel free to share them in the comment section this blog. Thanks