Here are some notes from a presentation on job searching. What I gleaned from it is I need to have a clear sense of purpose in my job search. These questions can help determine my specific goals and where to concentrate my energies to match my strengths. If you can answer the following questions you will gain a clearer direction. I’ve also taken the liberty of as additional comments.
– my name is
– my profession is. You may not have to only use your past titles and labels the occupation search. But your skills and knowledge of other occupations can empower you to go in a new direction. If you desire.
– my expertise, function, specific capabilities are: start searching for examples of where you have stood out from your peers. Are there moments of recognition that you receive because of your contribution to pass company. The more specific you can have in giving examples of success. The more you can stand out potential employers.
– my unique strengths are: here, also state very Pacific examples and if you can provide percentages or money amounts that can support your observations that will even be better.
– one of my professional accomplishments is: if you have more than one, then document that. Go through the list of common questions that interviewers asked and have, in advance, planned responses with specific successes in your answers to any of you
– type of industry and size: if you board for a variety of different size organizations. This will illustrate your versatility as an employee.
– my plans are… <define them for yourself>
– I am looking for… <define them for yourself>
Please feel free to add to the list for any ideas you have.