Detailing a story:



Quite a number of months ago I attended a day writing seminar, I write. There were some wonderful presentations and here are some notes I took on adding details to a story.

-Details can make or break the story.

-Detailing applies first and foremost to characterization. Be sure to layer the info.

-The thing you want to say about the character is what will be important to the scene, and it needs to be relevant to the situation.

-Need to know these people intimately.

-Need to know why they have a certain dream.

-The more intimate you can become with a character the more you will create empathy.

-Watch for the dumping of an entire history.

-Use similes to foreshadow an event, but use them with care so as not to over-write. Use a single simile. I.e.: evening description is it romantic words or cold and hard. A sweater can be used to build tension by it being tight and restrictive. Even weather can foreshadow danger.

-Techno stuff. Not enough detail can leave the reader unconvinced; too much can bore and muddy the pace. Referenced book of something that killed people but the author never told what killed them. If you can be specific do it. If you put too much stuff it can be boring.

If you have items to add to the list, please share them in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.

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