

Every year I tried to attend a wonderful writers’ symposium called Life the Universe and Everything. Here are some notes I took from a panel of author(s) who were guests at the symposium. Enjoy


–        Teasers need to have the setting for your book.

–        Teasers is a brief plot of your book. Without giving away the ending.

–        You usually only have the first eight lines of a teaser to convince someone to read your book as posted up on Amazon.

–        Your teaser knees to motivate a forward action that will interest the reader to be from the action of purchasing.

–        Teasers can also be used for pitch sessions to agents.

–        Some writer friends may be persuaded to tell their agents or publishers about your books. And that’s they may publish you.

–        A review or will tell their reaction to reading a book while a teaser persuades people to buy the book.

–        Items needed for teaser: inciting incident, character and action, conflict and hook.

–        Teasers and books need to depict conflict.

–        A hook persuades the reader to ask themselves what would happen next?

–        Ask yourself what it is about your universe that makes you want others to read your book.

–        A teaser. It may come from someone else other than the point of view characters.

–        If the action of the story is too late in the story that needs to be move forward. For buildup something else of represents a new action.

–        Write the pitch before you write your book.

–        After some write the book. They will then write the pitch again. First-time authors shouldn’t try comedy. Not recommended for first book.

If you have ideas to add to this topic, please feel free to add them in the comment section of this blog.

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