This panel is from last year’s Life the Universe and Everything. There are some wonderful panels at this symposium. I hope these ideas can be of use to you as well.
– Some reason the remakes of others are lion King is a retelling of Hamlet, John’s is a retelling of Moby Dick.
– Plasma? Magazine = look it up.
– If it’s up on the Internet that does not mean it’s free.
– 50 shades of gray was originally fan fiction from twilight.
– Copyright lasts up to 70 years beyond the death of the author.
– To write fiction from someone else’s creation and need to be added upon and change drastically. In these be transformed in a new way.
– The more you use it to change the way the less it is copyrighted.
– Nonfiction can be used for sarcasm and critiques, etc.
– Use as little as possible of the original piece and changes as much as you can.
– The bigger the name of the author, the more likely you are to be sued.
– You might be able to quote one paragraph of someone else’s. And that’s all right.
– Using material before 1923 is okay.
– Websites to check out copyrights are on Google books/and
– You own each photograph you take.
– The author is 100% responsible for copyrights infringements. The author will be responsible for the lawyer fees of themselves and the person suing them.
– Copyright is abused when the author intentionally taps into the intellectual property of the original, such as Star Trek.
If you have suggestions to provide on this list, please feel free to add them to the comment sectin of this blog. Thanks.