This blog is a follow-up to the one last week where I’m discussing the virtues of children preforming programs in church. Last week, I touch upon the topic of teaching children organization by then preforming a program and next week I’ll touch upon the bonding advantages of a youth program.
I hope this topic can be of use to parents, grandparents, family counselors, youth ministries, and family devotionals. A lot of the confidence of the child and preforming in public begins in the opportunities they are given in the home. Family home evenings and family devotionals are excellent opportunities for children to learn to pray speak and saying before others. Each time a child can gain new experiences, they will be more comfortable in unfamiliar circumstances.
I can see a lot of advantages for giving children a chance to perform. During last week’s performance, I decide to document some of the virtues of such an event.
– If a child can have experience while being young and speaking in family home evening a family devotional, they gain the experience to communicate before others while they are in a comfortable, home environment.
– The sooner a child can experience new adventures and experiences to broaden their perspective, the more comfortable they can become in unfamiliar circumstances. I see that children performing in front on stage give an experience of memorization, speaking coherently and singing in front of the public. Many of these children have not yet attended elementary and so this experience can help prepare them for their public presentations in the scholastic arena.
– At church, children can than they can become more comfortable in speaking before others by presenting talks at church. If they do this at least once a year. Each year, they will have several good practices of medication as they mature. The primary provides a safe environment being with other children and caring adults that can give them a sense of security.
– Another advantage about having children practice in the communication is that this gives a chance to start a young child to pronounce words clearly, to not mumble, and to speak more slowly, so that their audience can understand what they are saying. Parents and teachers are usually the ones in the position to provide this kind of instruction.
– A number of children in today’s performance still experienced too much stage fright to speak their part. This could be their first time speaking in front of a group of over 500 and be quite intimidating. But there is a caring adult crouched nearby the podium to help the child do their small talk of necessary speak on their behalf. Now that the child has had their first experience in being in public. It may be easier the second time.
– Preforming successfully in front of public can also help a child’s self-esteem. They can learn that to practice things can become easier. Working as an organized group can help provide a successful program. Parents and family can validate the success of a child’s participation at home after the program.
– Preparing for program provides a different technique of giving instructions of religious principles outside the Avenue of a teacher teaching in the classroom. One child teaching another child is another way to share an experience in performing in a program provides us environment.
If you would like to add some ideas of how youth programs in church or in other areas can help in a child’s development, I invite you to share those ideas in the comment section of this blog.