I read an article on How to eat organic on a budget. It had 75 suggestions and I’m sharing my favorites plus some other ideas from other source.
– You can use Doritos chips as fire kindling
– Freeze cookie dough and other treats so you can have a treat ready to go in the appropriate portion size.
– A healthy alternatives to potato chips: baked apple slices, butterless air-popped popcorn or baked vegetable chips
– To skip the full size packages of candy and chocolate. Buy a few pieces in the bulk section
– Insert a straw inserted in the tab will prevent stray from bobbing up and down.
– Don’t buy pre-washed ready to eat fruits and veggies, they can cost double as much.
– Carbohydrates (bread, cereal, and crackers), and dairy products (yogurt, milk, and cheese) provide a magic combination when it comes to falling asleep
– Store herbs, asparagus, spring onions upright in a large glass filled with an inch of water
– Plant an herb pot in your kitchen or somewhere convenient so you can pick fresh herbs on hand. Organic herbs are one of the most overpriced items at the grocery store.
– Double recipes and freeze leftovers, this works great with soups and stews.
– When you chop onions while chewing gum it may prevent ou from crying.
– To repel bugs, place a bay leaf in containers of rice, flour and pastas.
– Foods to avoid when heading to bed:
– Foods that are high in protein are harder to digest, and spicy, garlicky and fatty foods can cause heartburn or indigestion.
– Find a farmers market near you through LocalHarvest.org or the USDA – get to know your local farmers, create a personal relationship and negotiate prices.
– Potato chips are carbohydrate-rich foods that when baked or fried, form acrylamide, a known cancer-inducing chemical that is also found in cigarette smoke
– Line your refrigerator’s crisper drawer with paper towels to absorb excess moisture. They’ll absorb excess moisture which will help keep produce longer.
– You Can spear an Oreo cookie with a fork in the middle and you can dip it in milk
– Useful foods to help with sleep are milk, beans, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, poultry, and bananas also contain tryptophan.
– You can light a candle with a piece of spaghetti and prevent potential burn
– Buy unpackaged foods from bulk dispensers – I personally save a ton of cash by doing this, I buy everything from oat grouts, to nuts, to dried fruit and lentils.
– Local food can be significantly cheaper than food shipped from miles away.
– Be the last person to leave the farmer’s market. Farmers will likely cut their prices at the end of the day, so they do not have to take their produce back to the farm
– Separate an egg with only a water bottle. Press on bottle to suck out air, put egg over yoke and release bottle and it will pull up yoke into bottle.
– Ask your farmer about his farming practices. Some farmers do not spray pesticides on their crops but do not seek USDA certification to keep prices lower
– A drink or two at night may make it easier for you to fall asleep, but you’ll also be more likely to wake up during the night with a headache or a bad dream.
– Turn almond butter, yogurt, sour cream, tahini and cottage cheese containers upside down when stored in the fridge – this creates a vacuum seal, keeping them fresh longer.