I attend an online seminar that discussed the romance market. For some reason the sound cut out about halt way through but they invited us to share what we learned with others and so here are the beginning of my notes before the sound loss. I hope they can be of use.
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Why are romance readers loyal?
– Writers connect well with their readers.
– Readers feel characters are extended family.
– Validate and confirm what is important to the reader. Readers like happy endings.
– Verify that love is worth the sacrifice and the importance of relationships.
Editors are asking for fresh and new ideas like what?
– Fresh location i.e.: Italy excavation.
– Sometimes it’s the author’s voice
– Sometimes it’s the challenges the character’s face. Wonder how they’re going to overcome their differences.
– A fresh world in paranormal and world building can be fresh
– She needs to base her characterization on truth and observations not on stereotypes.
– (Melva’s plot: Corporate woman from Major Corporation arrives to downsize a company recently purchased that is managed by only men.
– Fairytales are presented in a fresh way.
– Takes an arranged marriage plot and put a twist on it.
How are publishers attracting new authors?
– Writer’s conferences, slush pile. Using social media tools
– Web site: so you think you can write conference.
– Partnered with other partners such as wattpad
– Reader base provides avenues to new writers.
– Let’s publishers to explore new generas for romance.
– Epublishing is easy to get in but does not guarantee sales and success.
– Publishers tell more what they do to make their books better.
– Marketing, promotion, send out review copies.
– Work on connecting author with their audience.
– Every book needs great editing.
What has digital allowed publishers to do that couldn’t do before?
– Allow publishers to published books that are too short or long in hard copy.
– Books that include music.
– Let’s you connect to readers in new ways such as ereaders etc.
– Can alter price and bundling opportunities.
– having an opportunity to sample authors, such as site: try harlequin
– Let’s publishers keep backlist published books as evergreen.
– Lets publishers start serializations.
So many subgenres to romance. Why do you think that is?
– Are just handy labels that help readers find a particular type of story?
– New Adults series of romance books is geared for 20 and characters at that time of their lives.
Well there are a few of the ideas. If you have more suggestions about romance fiction and the genera, please feel free to comment to this blog.