How to read to learn writing:



Last winter I attended a symposium called Life, The Universe and Everything. Here are the notes from one of the panels.

–        Recommend you read other genres, especially the best low genres. I.e. Jane Austen

–        your narrative makes you unique from other writers.

–        Go to your roots. Read the classics. Even before the 1800s original material such as Greek mythology.

–        Read things that interest you. Then it rip apart and analyze why you like what you read. Analyze why you like to read the material you do. See why you like how the pacing works.

–        Read magazine articles.

–        Read books that that depict strains in areas where you are weak as a writer. If you’re weak in action, then read action novels.

–        Read things that you may not be a fan of. You can still learn from them.

–        Reread books that you are ready like. As you read the second or third time begin to analyze the pros of the text, the surface emotions, and other traits.

–        Book: angel actions, lovely bones.

–        You need to write an action scene and is not what your strains, then find another book that’s good on action scenes and read that scene before you write your scene. Some people will write notes in the margins of the books as they read them as reminders of something interested them.

–        Recognize why certain books appeal to the mass market or interest certain audiences such as twilight.

–        Ask yourself what drew you to that particular book? Why is a bestseller?

–        Alternative to writing in books is a something will put his ticket. Nobody in as a bookmark and also to take notes, for me I have to put a big stick note in the front of the book. If I plan to take notes that will give a page number and then a short line as to why that page is important.

–        Read a lot from the genre that you write in.

–        Read nonfiction that would include memoirs.

–        Go to the reading area of a bookstore or library and read the first paragraph of many books to see how they all start. It can help you determine what items will drive the book.

–        My idea for you to do the same. I simply look at the first pages of books on Amazon. This abuse something to have as one of my blog entries for my rock soup blog.

–        Write what you like to read.

–        Live life, and have a variety of experiences.

–        Book store with wings is an imitation of twilight.

–        Wikipedia and VAT tropes is a good place to do a search for literary criticism.

–        Recommend book reading like a writer.

If you would like to add to these suggestions, please feel free to comment to the blog.

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