In Honor of Fathers:



There are some very good talks today at church about fathers and I heard some good references to the Bible that depicted very positive examples of fatherhood. I hope this lesson will be of use to youth ministries, Sunday school, and family home evenings.

I remember hearing presentations about the difference between men and women, and that one of the personality traits of a male is that they can be single-minded to a purpose. So we can see how this trait can be very useful in being the father of the home. Being single-minded with the purpose of being breadwinner not only influences himself, but also his wife and children.

Since my father died when I was young I never had a chance to know Melvin Limbert Gifford. I heard he was quite a tease. It sounds like he was a delightful individual.

Before he passed away in a gun accident, he was part of owner of Gifford, Electric located in Las Vegas, Nevada. I heard that he helped install the electrical wiring in the church, we attended as a family when we lived there. He loved the outdoors. He had five girls before he passed away, he got his son and twin daughter. He passed away when Melvin and I were three.

One good example of fatherhood in the Old Testament is of the story of the prodigal son. The son had confidence that after spending the life with no restraints and losing his inheritance. He can return home to a loving environment. That trust in what kind of reception he would receive is greatly influenced on the caliber of man his father was. The son’s trust was confirmed when the father saw him from a distance, and came and greeted him. And then sacrifice the fatted calf in honor of his return.

We see several traits of the type of man, this guy was 1. he loves his son no matter what. 2. He was willing to forgive 3. He realized the son needed to have free choice.

I wager he was very glad when his son returned home to fold.

Another wonderful story is of Joseph, the father of Christ. When he perceived that Mary was pregnant, he could have been justified to humiliated her in public, instead, chose to put her away privately. This showed that even though he felt betrayed by her he did not want to hurt Mary.

The other thing that we learn about Joseph is his reception to God. When an angel told him what was really happened to Mary. He had faith and accepted Mary as his wife. A lot of times we think that Christ had all his wonderful attributes because he was a son of God. Something I hadn’t considered before, is that perhaps some of those positive traits could have been learned from his father , Joseph.

A lot of times we as adults don’t know what kind of impression with leave with others. Sometimes we may learn when someone offers a casual comment or complement. But most may just keep their observations, private and often alter their lives in respect and admiration to someone who they honor.

One can wonder what caliber of individual God the father is, that his son Jesus Christ devoted his entire life to honor God the Father and to do his wishes. Makes me realize that when the time comes that we may have a chance to meet God the father, and in his son Jesus Christ. That will meet a couple of nifty individuals.

Thanks all wonderful dads for what you do.

If you would like to share a fun story that shows a nifty trait of your father, please feel free to share in the comment section of this blog.

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