Finance advice:


It’s always nice to have multiple sources of gaining new knowledge and one of my sources is the radio show called the browser, at The following is some advice about finances.

The first point of information is about credit monitoring. Avoid places that offer a free credit report, such as because the only way you can get a free credit report from them is by buying their service. An alternative is to go to where you can get the three main credit ratings once a year for free. The three sources of credit monitoring are:


Since you can get each of these reports once a year, the advice is to split up these individual reports throughout the year. First, maybe use TransUnion, then in another three months, you might use Equifax and finally Experian.  That way you able to check your credit more frequently and it is still free.

The second point of advice is how parents can handle boomerang kids. Boomerang kids are children that have left the household to pursue their career or to get an education and for various reasons have to return home to live. Many times the parents will end up using their money safe retirement to take care of the children who are not working.

The recommendation is that before he or she returns home is to set up some ground rules. The parents and the child or maybe a newly married couple, have to discuss what is expected of that child when he or she moves home. Some examples might be:

  1. How long they will stay.
  2. How much they will contribute to the finances of the house.
  3. What chores will they’ll contribute to.
  4. Another point of advice is that certain monies given to the child are giving will have a certain deadline that will start to be decreased as time moves forward. So that a child must prepare to help carry the weight or prepare themselves to leave the nest once more.

The third point of advice is a phone app called creditkarma. Apparently it is willing to monitor your credit for free.

Anyway, that’s some information I obtained from the browser and I want to relay that knowledge to you.


Also if you have a point of financial advice that you would like to give to readers of this blog, please for free to share it. Thank you.

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