Lately I am trying to learn a whole bunch of new stuff. I enjoy listening to history courses from Hillsdale college.
Here is a link: https://online.hillsdale.edu/
I know that a lot of the principals on which the US government was created was influenced by the Magna Carta agreement between nobles and the King John. Today, I have been listening to a history professor from Hillsdale college give a presentation on the topic. Here are some of my notes. I could only jot down a couple, but hopefully, they’ll be of interest.
Notes on the Magna Carta: 5-3-13
Magna Carta
article 1 = king may not appoint bishops. Agreement for religious liberty. The government has no claim on your conscience
article 2 = inheritance tax, <1215> Taxes may not be used punitively. They can not to be used a punishment.
article 12 = no taxation without representation
article 14 = If want to raise taxes the King/Government has to call bishops & barons by letter. <they are the ones in power> NO government changes without consent of governed.
article 17 = don’t chase the king around for justice. Justice must not depend upon economic status source for Miranda rights, attorney provided if can’t afford one.
Article 21 = Punishment must fit the crime
article 39 = Trial by jury by your peers and duel process of law. Plus hades capris.
article 40 = Right to a speedy trail
article 45 = can’t sell offices, you have the right to expect judge to know law, right to attorney
article 61 = 3rd paragraph If any justice (king officials) the government itself is subject to the law.
This is not the whole thing listed out but it is a beginning. Here is a link to the entire document.
Happy reading.