In honor of Easter weekend, I thought I’d provide a short lesson on the resurrection. I hope this can be of use to youth ministries, family counselors, family devotionals and family home evenings.
Objects needed for lesson: a bowl, an egg, and a glove.
One way to teach about the resurrection to a child might be the following. First, you might want to begin telling a simple version of God’s plan for mankind. He wants us to come to earth to grow and learn and to follow his commandments. After we have lived a righteous life, he wants us to return to his presence.
Now we can discuss the concept of the body and soul. One way to discuss this topic is to show the child. How one object can exist inside another. You let the child hold an egg. Then take the egg and break it and pour the yoke into a bowl. Let the child touch the broken shell and maybe touch the egg yolk. Discuss how the yoke was contained inside the shell.
Next, place a transparent bowl on top of your hand and wiggle your fingers. Ask the child what they see? They see your hand under the bowl. You show the child how the bowl is one object and your hand is another.
Now we began to discuss the concept of a body and spirit. Just like the egg yolk is inside the shell, so our bodies are control what was called a spirit. Our spirit or life energy is the same thing. Our father and mother are the parents on our physical bodies; but as spirits came from God. We call God our Heavenly Father because he’s a Dad about spirits.
Now, as we discuss with the child, the reason why we’re on earth, we might begin with. When we are born we are each a baby. When you’re born, your body is small. Put your hand in the crook of your arm rock it like a baby.
Your hand moves the glove. At conception, your spiritual body is placed inside your physical body. Just like, your spirit can make your body move and controls the body throughout our lives. At the end of our lives, our bodies stop working and our spirits return back to God. Take the gloves off and rest it on the table.
This concept might be able to be simplified by discussing how a car takes you to the grocery store. You start at the house and go to the store to buy food and then come back home again.
So each of us are born in the baby, we live our lives and learn to follow God and obey his commandments, and at the end of our lives. We return home to God.
God promises that when we follow him. We can have the chance to have spirits, and bodies reunited with. Put the gloves on the hand. This is called the resurrection.
If you has a successful way on teaching about spiritual bodies and the resurrection, please feel free to share your ideas in the comment section this blog.