I heard most of this from the media. There are different types of things that debt collectors can and cannot do. When calling people to get money that is owed. Here’s a short list afterwards are some links of additional information. I found out. I hope will be of use.
– Cannot contact before 8 am or 9 pm. if do, start making a log. Time, date, who contacted you.
– cannot contact at work after you told them they cannot.
– No threats of violence or harm
– Cannot publicize who hasn’t paid.
– Cannot swear
– Can’t use phone to pester someone
– Cannot identify themselves as government.
– Can’t falsely report they represent a credit agency.
– Cannot be arrested.
– Cannot sell or garnish land/property unless they have a court / summons. If not received summons.
– Cannot post check early.
– A person do a ‘cease and desist’ by phone. Can pay the original debtor not the bill collector
Here are some other resources to check out besides what I heard hear.