Today’s topic for my blog of Tasks, Errands and Projects Oh My, I’m going to discuss the topic of storytelling. What I feel is a list of good criteria when presenting a story on stage in front of a live audience.
This Friday, I’m going to be a judge for storytelling contest for Thunder Ridge elementary. I’m looking forward to this opportunity. Before I review their judging criteria for what makes a good story. I thought I would provide a list of what I personally look for when determining a quality story. Afterwards, I will provide some links to other people’s ideas of what they look for when judging storytelling. I hope this information will be of interest and use to you.
My criteria for good storytelling:
– Is the idea original or is it an old idea with a new twist?
– Does the story contain content that the audience can take away for later reflection?
– Can I sense passion behind the story?
– Does the story teller establish a rapport with their audience by eye contact or initiate any interaction?
– Is the presentation given clearly and without mess ups?
– Does the character in the story undergo a change from beginning to end?
– How does the teller express voice, tone, body language and stage presence in the story?
– Does the teller successfully moderate their story according to the responses of the audience with speed of speech, pauses for dramatic affect and improvising when inspired?
– Does the story initiate a mood of suspense, humor or some other prevalent emotion throughout the story?
– Does your story match your target audience?
– If multiple characters are introduced in the story is there distinct actions or voices for those characters?
Here are some other recommendations about story telling and judging story telling:
As you can think about your favorite storytellers, or you are a storyteller, what do you feel are some of your criteria in determining if the story was successfully presented? Please feel free to give your recommendations in the comment section of the blog. If you have a sample of your own storytelling on your blog or website please feel free to provide a link. It’s always great to promote the talents of another person. Thank you.