Today’s blog is dedicated to companies and software that provides fun was to learn about health. One such company is They have a variety of ways to share info and I recommend that companies check them out. Here is an example.
– Currents are usually narrow, and there are a couple things you can do to swim out of them. But first and foremost, remain calm. You don’t want to expend any extra energy. First try to swim parallel to the shore and see if you can sneak out of the current. If you find you’ve been paddling for a very long time, and don’t seem to be going anywhere, attempt to swim with the current, which will eventually weaken, and you should be able to swim out of it.
– Dehydration: Fatigue comes right on the heels of dehydration. A glass of water may be just the thing you need, to get through the rest of your day.
– The amount of calories in a potato can vary greatly. A half cup of mashed potatoes with gravy and butter has more than 3 times the calories of a baked sweet potato with a teaspoon of butter.
– Tradition: During the first month of marriage, the groom wears women’s clothes. This practice is meant to give the husband an understanding of the joys and hardships of being a woman.
– Four food groups: actual food groups are: Grains, Dairy, Meat/Beans, Fruit/Vegetables.
– Blanching is a good cooking tool if you want to cook something, but not cook it too much. The quick process of dropping it into boiling water briefly will give you a dish that is ever so slightly cooked, such as super crispy green beans. As for the other options, to baste is to moisten food with sauce to add flavor, to clarify is to remove solids from a liquid to make it clearer,
– Sleep is powerful! While we sleep, our brain processes what occurred during the day and creates memories. Researchers say that sleeping is what help makes a memory “stick” so that we can recall it in the future.
– High blood pressure damages blood vessels that supply blood to the brain causing memory loss while low blood pressure can help keep an individual’s memory sharp.
– There are many psychological and physical conditions that can cause memory problems in addition to aging. These include stress, poor nutrition, anxiety, and substance abuse.
– While forgetting someone’s name and where you put your keys are symptoms of mild memory loss, getting lost in a place you know well could be an indication of a serious health concern such as Alzheimer’s disease. If you notice that you are forgetting routine activities that you have done before, speak to a neurologist to get your concerns addressed. Being pro-active and acknowledging your forgetfulness is always key.