An alternative to Senator Hatch: Constitutional Party: Shaun McCausland


I was invited to a meeting by the constitutional party to listen to a person running for Senator by the name of Shaun McCausland. I agree with him on many things. I took notes on his presentation and here are some highlights.

K-Talk Radio has archives of the debates. I encourage everyone to listen to these debates before you vote. (the 2012 senate debates is at the top)

Shaun’s website: or
Constitution party web site:

Here are some of Shaun’s stands on various issues.

– Early political involvement: He was a long time republican and was once precinct chair.
– Likes the Constitution party because it is about principals.
– He felt prompted to run for Senator. He thought I can’t win, and was prompted: there’s more than winning.
– When face with financial challenges to sustain the family, he’s been blessed.
– $16 Trillian in debt.
– With the creation of the Patriot act the terrorists have won because of our loss of freedoms.
– Our Freedom and future is at risk.
– I’m running for principals.
– Executive order is supposed to be for house keeping such as getting information. It is not suppose to be used to make laws. Congress is responsible for establishing laws.
– I’m for abolishing the Federal Reserve.
– On public lands, should be controlled by the state unless the state has arranged for certain parts to be lands used for a different purpose. Feds should not have control.
– Federal government is good for defense and other purposes defined by constitution.
– Proof on ability to work with other people = Shaun was the man who arranged for multiple debates to be created in different parts of the states which the other candidates appreciated. In the initial meeting Shaun encouraged opportunity to discuss issues without mud slinging. Senator Hatch didn’t attend any of the debates but did send one representative to the debate in Cedar City.
– K-Talk Radio had archives of the debates. I encourage everyone to listen to these debates before you vote.
– Public education and loans should not he a Fed issue.
– He supports Ron Paul on many issues.
– He agrees with libertarians on many issues.
– Don’t agree with Gay ‘marriage’. A couple can be together but the label of ‘marriage’ is defined through the centuries as between a man and a women. So using the term ‘marriage’ for a same gender union does not match the term: ‘marriage’.
– Abortion: He adheres to the constitution, i.e.: Life and liberty. Open to abortion in the first trimester under the condition of rape and incest.
– Legalized marijuana: Feels that all natural plants of the earth should not be controlled by the government. If said plants are altered, i.e. coke changed to cocaine then then control.
– International issues: He feels US should not be involved in any out of country politics.
– Gun Ownership: the ownership of guns is more than just for hunting. They are for the protection of the people against a corrupt government.
– Israel: Feels US needs to politically stand behind their survival. Did make reference that there has been some abuse in the relationship between the US and Israel. Israel took some technology from us.
– There is no reason for the Federal government to do what they do such as Cash for clunkers.
– Made reference to ‘The Remnant. (I’ll have to check that out later.)
– If things turn bad for the US, we will need active informed citizens who know and can teach about the constitution.

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