The hazards of spelling phonetically with an accent


Here are a few examples of how spelling phonetically can bite you in the butt when you have an accent.

Like various people from around the united states, southern utahans have their unique accent. And since I have a hard time spelling I am often given the advice to spell words phonetically. This can prove to be a challenge when I want to Ts and Rs in areas they don’t belong. For example when pronouncing these two words I put in the following letters: TouTched and WaRshed.

They should be touched and washed. So I offer the following advice to those who give spelling phonetically advice. Help the person with spelling difficulty to concentrate upon the proper pronunciation of the words as phonetically is not always applied in the same way by various people.

By the way when looking up how to spell the lookup feature of Microsoft word led me to a web site: You can type in a word and it will pronounce it to you. How neat is that?

Once a person asked where I was from and then wondered where I got my accent. I told her I got it as the prize from a cracker-jack box.

Please feel free to give additional advice on how to spell phonetically on the comment section of the blog and if you have some favorite scriptures on the topic, feel free to share them.

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