Well since I do a weekly blog on makings lists here is one on camping and what better time to go than the hottest time of the year. Okay fellow campers, what have I forgotten?
_alarm clock (portable)
_auction items
_blade sharpener
_bowls (mix)
_broom & dust pan
_Bug repellent
_bug zapper
_Bottled water
_bottled water
_camp chairs
_camp fire songs
_coolers (various sizes)
_cutting board (2)
_can opener
_cheese grader
_cutting boards
_door mat
_Dutch oven
_dish towels
_emergency kit
_Flash lights
_fuel 6 pack (propane)
_fire poker
_fire starter
_Fry Pan
_face nets
_First aid kit
_fry pans
_hair catcher (tub/shower)
_hatchet (dull)
_hot pads
_Hot dog sticks
_Lamps (propane)
_luggage (water) carrier
_mattress air/foam
_masking/duct tape
_mist bottle
_note pad
_oven grid
_Paper towles
_park pass
_plastic bucket
_Plate covers (net)
_Plate holders
_Portable shower
_potato peelers
_pocket knife
_Paper towels
_rain poncho
_reunion schedule
_safety pins
_sewing kit (portable)
_shower cap
_shower booth
_skit materials
_sleeping bags
_soap (dish)
_soap (hand)
_squirt bottle
_Stove top (portable)
_Sun block
_table (cardboard or small)
thermos (to save cook food for hikes)
_toilet (portable)
_toilet paper
_tin foil
_trash bags (big/small)
_Water jug
_Walking stick
_wash cloths
_wash basins 2
_zip lock bags (gal/pint)
One thing that I found useful was that I taped stick-it notes on the bins and listed what was in what bin. so I knew where to go to get a specific item.
Please feel free to give additional suggestions you have on this topic in the comment section of the blog/site
great help Melva my dear niece whom I love. Now all we need is for Melva to come to the reunion. The Woods Fam. will be 1960’s. Hippy era. Yeh. Hope you can make it. I made a list years ago but yours is great. Thank you so much. See you at the reunion. After all the property is named after you “Melva Park”. love aunt Avonell
Thanks for responding to my entry, Aunt Avonell. I try to come every other year as there is something that occurs at the same weekend. My next two Tuesday blogs will also touch upon things to consider for reunions. For camping, these two entries may interest you as well.
1. http://www.melvagifford.com/2012/08/21/labor-day-weekend-my-camping-checklist/
2. http://www.melvagifford.com/2012/09/17/the-essentials-of-a-kitchen-when-in-a-resort-condo/