Developing an allergy against sin


I hope this lesson will be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals and family home evening study. Today’s theme is developing an allergy against sin. This lesson may be more successful if you have smart phones that can video tape people.

Prior to the lesson interview at least three people who have different allergies or negative reactions such as: against nuts, bee stings, are lacrosse intolerant or has diabetes or an organ transplant to name a few. Have some of these people give a very precise list of reactions if they encounter or don’t take care of their condition. An example might be allergies to bee stings. As the class and family listen to each condition, have each of them make a list of each reaction.

Bee Sting Allergies:
-Difficulty breathing
-Red hives, itchy rash and spread to areas beyond the sting
-Swelling of face, throat, or mouth
-Wheezing or difficulty swallowing
-Restlessness and anxiety
-Rapid pulse
-A sharp drop in blood pressure or dizziness
-Although severe allergic reactions are not that common, they can lead to shock,
-Cardiac arrest, and
-Unconsciousness in 10 minutes or less.

Now we can make a comparison of these reactions to bee stings to the reactions or consequences to sin. Here are a few:

-Loss of trust from loved ones.
-Bad reputation
-Physical and mental addiction
-Obsession to satisfy needs that feel unquenchable.
-Breaking the law/ possible jail time
-Thievery to pay for some addictions.
-Damage to your body
-Damaged personal and family relationships
-May be seen as an undependable employee and get fired.
-People may avoid you and may be scared of you
-May become very self-absorbed.
-One addiction might lead up to a bigger addiction
-Others might be able to manipulate you through your addiction.

With all the negative reactions to a simple bee sting, we can see why certain people avoid encountering a bee. Make a comparison how we are all vulnerable to temptation and sin. If we succumb to it we can end up paying spiritual and sometimes physical consequences. Sometimes we get discouraged because we might mess up and so we feel like giving up. The path to repentance can be taught in a different lesson but the concept could be referenced here as well.

Those who can avoid the prelude actions that lead to certain sin can often avoid compromising situation entirely. Premarital physical relationships might be avoided by being careful of when and where you interact with the opposite gender.

Now As a family or class discuss ways to avoid sin and make a list. Some examples might include:
-Recognize what sin is.
-Avoid circumstances or environments that encourage sins.
-Watch staying up late at night where your defenses may be weakest
-Avoid theorizing about sin
-don’t look the part of the winner or be in the spot of sin.
-Read the scriptures frequently
-Pay attention to the sequence of steps that may lead to specific sins to avoid them.
-Associate with people who will promote and encourage good living
-Pray frequently and establish a personal relationship with God
-Stay active in church so that you associate with people also wanting to improve.
-Study and learn about Christ’s atonement in the garden of Gethsemane and
-Learn about the reasons for his actions and loss of life on the cross.

Please feel free to give additional suggestions you have on this topic on the comment section of the blog and if you have some favorite scriptures on the topic, feel free to share them.

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