Recipe = list of instructions to cook something.
I keep spelling recipe wrong. I spell it as recipie. A pie in the word so RECIpie is wrong. In this case I will try sound to help me remember. RECI than just the sound P and E. RECI-PE and that might help. We’ll see. Some of these ideas still work months later and others don’t. Sometimes it’s a bit of trial and error for all of us isn’t’ it.
Another idea added later:
I have such a hard time remembering how to spell this word. I have been trying to think of mnemonics or visual images that would help me with it. Here a few
RECorded Instructions for meals People Eat
Pregnancy =change in body in a woman prior to the birth of a child:
If NANCY doesn’t PREvent herself from fooling around she may end up with a pregnancy.
I want to put pie at the end but it doesn’t belong. I need to think of the sound of the word in this case. You don’t hear the word pie when pronouncing recipe.