Writing Fantasy that isn’t base upon Europe’s middle-ages (Conduit panel)


I did a story telling presentation of Traits of a Hero for a SF/F convention that took place in Salt Lake City, Utah, in May. While there, I had the opportunity to attend some other panels. Here are the notes I took on writing fantasy outside the Europe influence. I hope they will be of use to aspiring and experienced writers.

A couple of suggestions they gave was to watch silent movies made from other countries. The panelists also made reference to James Cameron’s work on the Hero’s myth and myology. If you’re going to use another culture then delve into it. Read things that you don’t write to get out of your comfort zone.

My comments on this: I have very strong affections for certain generas so I’m not as inclined to read outside my genera. To combat this I find that books on audio tape/CD are wonderful ways to read/listen outside my genera. That way I can enjoy the story and some wonderful readers/tellers as well.
What panelists recommend watching foreign movies, some of my favorites is Shogun miniseries, The King and I, as well as Hidden dragon crouching tiger (which was captioned).

I wager another good idea would be for me to study world history more. I really enjoyed a world religions class I took in college several decades ago. Another good source for me has been just mythology. Now to just take advantage of all the good information I’ve been given. I also really enjoy National Geographic and am starting to collect them.

The panel did not delve too much into how to write from other cultures which I was hoping for but they did give some great recommendations of authors who have done a good job.

– Common middle age environment is a trait of European fantasy
– Some authors have gone the middle age / middle east culture for a unique perspective.
– Suggested book: Shadow hawk by Percy Jackson.
– Suggested book: Gypsy by Judith Tor.
– Suggested book: Lord of the two lands.
– Suggested book: The Buried Period.
– Suggested book: Not the End of the world.
– Suggested book: Rose the prophet.
– Suggested book: The Blue Sword.
– Suggested book: Death comes in the end.
– Suggested book: Thirteen orphans.
– Suggested book: An Eight Skilled Gentleman.
– Suggested book: Country Mythology
– Suggested book: (I’m uncertain of the title maybe medieval / fantasy weapons
– Suggested book: The ice is coming
– Suggested book: Iron Druid Chronicles
– Suggested book: A world lit only be fire.

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