Well I finished with my next online corse provided by my company. It’s great they give us this opportunity and I’ve been please that I’ve been good on my goal to study for a half hour each weekday.
Today’s topci is Developing employees:
Here are my typed notes.
Developing employees:
-attention should be giving to employees who do what is expected and not just those who are over or under and over achievers.
Why develop employees?
-what can I do to keep employees at my company
-How to retain and develop top talent to contribute to the future success of the company
-inspired employees yield best business results
-inspired employs provide new solutions and collaboration better
-inspired employees feel accountable and tend to be loyal to the organization
A new approached to employee development
-all employees from high performers to poor performers get develop plans.
-employee development is the manager’s responsibility instead of HR.
-Employees given new challenges to strength their professions abilities.
-instead of ‘training’ sessions get instead
Stretch assignments
Job rotations
Self-paced e-learning
Action learning
Manager coaching and feedback
-Managers need to seek out opportunities, set goals and provide feedback.
-Managers need to be committed to cultivating the potential in your employees.
Why managers neglect employee development:
-don’t feel they have time.
-don’t want to discourage high performers when there aren’t any advancement opportunities in the company
Consequences of neglecting development:
-Top performers may feel neglected or unmotivated.
-If employees don’t see opportunities for growth they’ll seek elsewhere.
-Low per formers may have a false sense of their success and can’t understand why they’re not being promoted. And so share negativity.
-Miss the opportunity to align employee goals with company goals.
-don’t have back up (bench strength” among your ranks should a top performer leave.
Managers’ role in employee development:
-help guide employees to match skills, interest and values to job opportunities.
-Conduct frequent discussions of development outside of semiannual reviews.
-Give timely and specific feedback of employee’s work against established expectations
-Act as an informal teacher
-have employees draft individual plans for their development.
-Focus on an individual assets and how they can contribute to the company
The importance3 of seeing differences:
-A realistic expectation for one employee may not be for another.
-Tailoring an improvement program to specific needs will maximize their success in current and future jobs.
-seeing differences in employees helps manger access unique team members’ appropriate growth and job enhancements.
Ways to determine differences between employees:
– treat people as if they were what they out to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being ‘Goethe
-mangers separate employees into Top performers (exceptional performance) Solid performers (constantly meet expectations) and Underperformers (employees who get by with barely acceptable results.
-when considering potential you may consider past contributions but also future values.
Evaluate Employee Performance:
– Does the employee exceed expectations in at least one area of performance?
– Is the employee a key contributor to the team & organization?
– Does the employee act on corrective performance feedback in order to improve performance?
– Could the employee perform at a higher level in a different position or increased responsibilities?
– Could the employee learn new skills to increase ability?
– Does the employee demonstrate leadership ability? (showing imitative, vision, delivering promised results, communicating effectively & taking appropriate tasks).
– You can give points to your employee for their skills set and put it on a gride. Go to http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/
How to motivate you employee:
-Motivate key employees for they work diligently and inspire others.
-Motivations include: company policies and benefits, working conditions, salary, status
-Intrinsic motives: Positive feedback about quality of work, opportunities for growth, A sense of responsibility at work & on the job achievement
Keeping top Employees Motivated:
-“It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.” – Vince Lombardi.
-The easiest way to see what motivates an employee is to ask them.
-set up frank conversations to find what they like doing and what drives them to do their best.
-What kind of work are you most passionate about.
-what type of opportunities for learning do you find to be most exciting.
-what type of rewards most motivates you? (money, autonomy, affiliation, title, time off, intellectual challenge).
-The answers to these may not be obvious so you might be able to gather the answers in a less direct way.
-What do you like/don’t like about your job?
-Pay attention to an employee’s behavior and see what tests they like and what motivates them most.
-also be sure to find out if anything about their job situation is frustrating them, such as too much travel, difficult colleagues, not enough challenge from day to day. Try to address these needs and eliminate obstacles.
-help them direct their careers in the direction they want to go and provide the right growth opportunities.
Provide mentors for A players:
-If you company does not have an established mentoring program create an informal one for your top employees.
-mentors outside your organization may have broader perspectives.
-mentors can help employees clarify career options, better understand the organization and navigate its politics, build support network and deal with obstacles.
Manager your talent:
-“Ability is of little account without opportunity.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
– Strive to enhance collaboration among talented people. (informally through social networking opportunities or special tasks forces or work groups).
-Look for signs of burnout.(high performers are prone to overwork. Be careful of overloading your star performers or they’ll leave.
Understand your corporate backbone
-Be conscious of employees who meet expectations but are not standout performers. Its important to recognize, value and grow these employees.
-these steady reliable employees are your corporate backbone.
-Steady employees understand organizations history and process.
-Adapt to large scale organization change more easily than a players because they fell lest threat.
-were former superstars who left fast track for a variety of reasons such as work/life balance.
-to retain core employees you need to develop them and best match their competencies, potential and desires.
-some managers make the mistake of thinking only top performers need challenge, that included solid contributors.
Provide frequent Affirmation:
-Tell core employees that they are valued.
-Listen to their ideas. Listen and respond attentively. If you act on a suggestion, give them credit.
-Praise their accomplishments.
-Trust them- allow them to take actions and make decisions that are appropriate to their skill level.
-Accept them for who they are: solid performers upon whom your organization relies.
-develop core employees talents as you would a players.
The return on management ratio:
-You energy should be invested in activity that best contribute to your organization’s productivity and overall performance.
-spend the most time working with people that contribute the most value to the company such as star and core performers.
Actions toward lowest performers.
-Low performers would get less time from a manager since they contribute the least of all toward an organization.
-low performers can influence the habits of other workers and a business culture of mediocrity which repels highly talented and ambitious people.
-strategy for addressing lowest performers is on performance
-provide them with clearly defined goals.
-provide a path and timeline for achieving those goals.
-Be explicit about the ways in which they must improve.
-Be willing to coach and provide honest feedback.
-If they’re not meeting expectations maybe see I they work better in a different department or dismiss them.
Dismissing Lowest Performers:
-Need to make sure dismissing the low performer is the best thing to do.
-Make sure you have the correct documentation both of the employees performance or behavior problems and the steps you’ve taken to help him or her improve.
Career Development Discussion
-Arrange with employees that you want to have a discussion about career.
-Gather data to support the discussion
Past development plans
Employee self-appraisals
Performance reviews
History of training or courses attended.
Assess your preparedness to talk to the employee:
-what are the employee’s skills? (Range from leaderships to management to analytical abilities)
-What are the employees values and interests? (what provides meaning to their work)
-what employees are available to the employee? (What assignments offer challenges that encourage the employee to grow)
Follow up
-follow up with employee to monitor progress on a regular basis.
Schedule periodic check-ins