Looking for volunteers to help teach children about the founding fathers, US History and patriotism


Now with the Caucuses being done, I see a new project that members of the Orem Tea Party could devote our energies to that goes toward one of our objectives: to better educate fellow citizens on US History and patriotism.

Last year the youth camp UtahPatriotcamp2011 (http://www.utahpatriotcamp.com/) was a great success. I loved seeing the various presentations and classes presented last year to middle grade children on the foundering fathers, United States history and such themes last year and this year touch upon such topics as
Bill or Rights
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
Natural Law
Redistribution of Wealth
Republic vs. Democracy
Meaning of DOI & Preamble
Equality of Men
Fasting & Prayer and French and Indian war
Making and Signing of DOI
Proper response and pledge to the flag

We had a great volunteer group last year and had over 100 middle grade children show up. And we had a lot of teens provide time as volunteers to help with the younger kids.

But now we need more people and there are some new things the camp want’s to try.

A friend told me that youth camps he sent through as a child were boring. With the mix of actors/presentations/games/ projects that I saw last year, I got the definite impression that the kids were NOT board. Unfortunately I was only able to attend one thing at a time with my own responsibilities.

Orem Tea partiers, Some of you haven’t been able to come to meetings lately, to other obligations. Some of those duties may not be as intense as they used to be. You’re invited to become involved in the Patriot camp.
But we need to know who is interested in helping with what projects before that (that way we can grab the stuff that interests us before others get them.

Items needed:
1. See the list of items above. We need teachers for various themes listed above.
2. To help make the camp fun there are activities that help drive home the themes listed above. Like I have volunteered to help host the Boston tea party. (I like the name for some reason) And so besides the presentation. We also need to create some of the objects that will drive home the lesson. Fake boxes or bags of tea and flour to toss off the ship. There will be a real ship on site by the way. I would love it if we could have a couple of fake stuffed soldiers to toss over into the water too, but hat may be just me being dramatic. Ahum. Who has ideas of what we can use for props for the various lessons used above?
3. Some tea partiers may want to help with the treats that would match the theme. Due to religious restrictions we might not server tea – But treats are also a part of the daily activity.
4. The event will be Mon-Friday from 9:30 – 12:00. That include the morning flag ceremony.
5. Do you know any organizations that want to help sponsor the camp and thus get their names on the back of the shirt. I’m trying to think how we can get the Orem Tea Party on the shirt. He he he.
6. Find teens who want to help with the camp as volunteers.

Here is an opportunity to participate and do something one on one.

Please review this web site: http://www.utahpatriotcamp.com/

And lets chat on line to see what we would each like to do. Also make contact with the personnel on site for any activity of helping with props and lessons etc. in case you want to grab soething early. Some slots have already been taken.

Who is willing to help me with the Boston Tea Party event?

Please respond to me privately or to the entire group.



Ps: For the month meetings of May and June We will be concentrating on the activities of making this camp a success.
We also still want to continue posting information on the face book page.

Also, I am interested in the Orem Tea Party hosting a car wash where we will wash people’s cars for a bag or case of food to be donated to the food backs of Utah county. We need to determine a place that is willing to Let us use their lot and water supply to host the car wash.


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