Becoming an active and informed Citizen

It is such a delight to see people having a thirst to learn about local and national issues. Neat!
I got a bunch of info from Michael Jolley’s. Who presented info on how to become more involved. I thought it was from John Morris who is running for Utah county commissioner but that will be other info that I’ll be getting.

Be a registered, affiliated Republican, having on file your name, telephone number, mailing address, and email address.
Be a resident of the Utah County voting precinct or legislative district you are elected to represent.
Be at least 18 years old by the November 6, 2012 General Election.
After being elected attend legislative district training meetings for further instruction.
Willingly receive and act upon communications from the UTGOP, elected officials and GOP candidates.
Educate yourself about all the candidates. Expect to receive from them mailings, emails, phone calls, invitations, etc. during their campaigns. Study the material they send.
Attend “Meet the Candidate” events and take other opportunities to listen to and become acquainted with them, in preparation for the yearly conventions.
Serve the precinct you represent for two years.
As part of the precinct leadership, work to advance the work of the precinct.
Enjoy your service to your fellow citizens and the new friends you will make in the process!

Attend and participate in the 2012 Utah Republican Party State Convention on Saturday, April 21, 2012, at South Towne Expo Center in Sandy. Reserve the day. Call to meeting will be mailed.
Be prepared to cast an informed vote for the Party’s nominees for the following elected offices: Governor/ Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Auditor, State Treasurer, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, National Committeeman and Committeewoman, National Delegates, Presidential Electors, Alternate National and Presidential Electors.
You may also be voting in multi-county State Legislative races.
At the convention you may also debate and vote on changes to the State Party Constitution, Bylaws, Platform, Rules of the Convention and Resolutions.
Attend the 2013 State Organizing Convention where the State Party Officers will be selected by the State Delegates.


Attend and vote at the 2012 County Nominating Convention at Timpview High School, 3570 N 650 E in Provo on April 14, 2012 and at the 2013 County Organizing Convention. Call to meeting will be mailed.
Be prepared to cast informed votes for the Party’s nominees for the following elected offices: Utah State House of Representatives, Utah County Commissioner Seat C and some Utah State Senate races–those where the Senate District falls entirely within the County boundaries and the seat is up for election this cycle.
Attend the 2013 County Organizing Convention where County Party Officers will be selected by County Delegates. Those officers include: Utah County GOP Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and State Central Committee members. At the Organizing Convention you may also ratify or reject decisions of Central Committee and vote on resolutions.



Prepare for Caucus Night

•Prepare by reading the founding documents of the Utah County Republican Party

( namely, the Party Platform, Constitution, and Bylaws.

•Prepare by knowing which offices are up for election and who is running.

•State delegates should visit:

•County delegates should visit:

during the March 9-15 candidate filing period.)

•Prepare a short campaign speech (30 seconds up to about 2 minutes) telling why you are running for delegate, what you stand for, and what you will do if elected. People may ask if you are supporting a specific candidate or special interest group, if you have conflicts of interest, etc. Their job is to vet you to make sure you will represent their interests.

•Prepare by visiting www.utahcountyonline to download and print a copy of your precinct.

• Prepare by contacting your precinct chair or Utah County Republican Party for a list of past Precinct Caucus attendees.

•Prepare by campaigning to your friends, neighbors, past Precinct Caucus attendees and committing them to come to Caucus and vote for you. Practice your campaign speech to them. If you can convince them, you can probably convince others.

•Prepare a campaign flyer to hand out door to door and on Caucus night.








2012 –


Resolve to become an educated and empowered citizen/citizen family…

…in order “to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves

and our posterity.”

Entire precinct

Jan 1-

Mar 15


Canvass entire precinct

Invite people to caucus

Register voters

Update voter records


Recruit volunteers

Precinct leadership, volunteers



Announcements of Caucus: church bulletins, signage, word of mouth.

Promote Caucus attendance

Precinct leadership,

entire precinct

Mar 11

Make reminder phone calls

Promote Caucus attendance

Precinct leadership, volunteers

Mar 15,



Organize precinct: elect/appoint precinct officers/volunteers, elect state and county delegates, designate election judges

Public welcome

Apr 14

Utah County Nominating Convention

Elect Republican nominees to be on ballot in General

Election, November 2012

County Delegates, Precinct Chair, Vice Chair

Apr 21

State Nominating Convention

Elect Republican nominees to be on ballot in

General Election, November 2012

State Delegates, Precinct Chair

May –

Nov 6

Campaigning for GOP nominees

Voter education and motivation

Get out the Vote

Precinct leadership, volunteers

Jun 26

Primary election

Entire electorate

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