Cover Letter Advice:



I listened to a presentation that gave advice about cover letters. Here are some of my notes.


–        Set letter head format for your cover letter

–        Center name at tope.

–        Left side top? who to, in block

–        Right side, top include a color photo

–        Address cover letter by first name. When someone sees their first name they pay attention more.

–        Put a single line under  I’m applying for xxx

–        Centered: with me on your team you’ll get.

–        List in bullets.  Benefits — reason why they should hire you

–        An example, more personal time to <do whatever you learned from research about the reader

–        You don’t want to talk about yourself but always talk about them.

–        When quoting positive statements about yourself, include the name, position, and company of the person making those statements. You might even consider including a small headshot (in thumbnail) of the person saying the statements.

–        Things to touch upon:

1. more free time for leisure,

2. less stress,

3. look heroic for your boss

4. Boost your company income


–        Example: more personal time to hike, golf or read a book — my experience at… will save you many hours of time. In the research you find out that the hiring manager likes golf.

–        Next: create call out boxes that will help make your cover letter stand out.

–        Have a light color in background.

–        Look at what my fellow workers have said about me.

–        Make sure when you ask for input that you document their feedback in their own words. This provides social proof of hiring you.

–        End with thank you for considering me. I hope to join your team soon.



Hand sign your name


If you like – some suggestions of what has worked for you in your job search, please feel free to share them in the comment section this blog. Thank you

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