A couple of weeks ago I attended an online web-seminar about burn out. I took some notes and thought I’d share them. This is the next segment on the topic. Burnout will occupy the next couple of weeks for Tasks Errands and projects oh my.
– Burn out causes absences
– Burn out influences productivity as some works cover for absent workers
– Sarcasm can hurt peer relationships
– How to combat
- You need basic self-care to keep yourself mentally and physically fit.
- Good eating/exercise
- Don’t’ slip breakfast
- 6-8 hours’ sleep, gives time for body to heal
- You need to train your body so that you sleep at a specific time of sleep
- Stop drinking water early evening so that it doesn’t’ wake you up and interfere with sleep
- Shift workers= need to create environment that can maintain sleep
- Paler of skin can be crated from less sleep
- Get enough sleep you can perform/concentrate better/think better
- Acknowledge to yourself when you do something well
- When we sleep we do consolidation.