A couple of weeks ago I attended an online web-seminar about burn out. I took some notes and thought I’d share them. This subject will occupy the next couple of weeks for Tasks Errands and projects oh my.
Signs of burnout in self and people close to you:
– Crankiness is a result/trait of burn out.
– Constant headaches are also a sign of burn out.
– You may not be eating well.
– You may have burn out if you have a hard time getting up each morning. Avoid the snooze button
– Pay attention to how you respond to circumstances like with your coworkers? Are you easily irritated?
– Are you using sarcasm a lot or muttering under your breath?
– Look at your body language. Are you closing in your body, drooped shoulders?
– Know that every day will not be a 10
– Do you have plans to look forward or just looking forward to the weekend?
– Have aspirations of 1 yr. 3 yr. or 5 yr. plan in life.
– If you are clock watching? That is a symptom.
– Your partner has a hard time getting up
– Not eating breakfast
– Sarcasm
– Can you see tone change in emails?
– Are you no longer willing to participate in a team and help it succeed?
– Snort or deride other’s success.
– No excitement about something
– Some people are quiet, if so; ask them how they are doing
– When they come back from vacation, are they happy to see coworker
– Negative feelings are contagious
– If someone you work with is always negative try to keep away from them.
– Burn out is contagious and can influence our behavior of those we support
– Name calling or belittle can build from burn out